Environment, Health & Safety

Heath and Safety

The Haldane Shiells Group and its associated companies, Haldane Fisher, Haldane Fisher (IOM) and GE Robinson Group, recognise there is a requirement to safeguard the health and safety at work of all its employees and those sub contracted by the company when on its sites. Along with its environmental policy the group has adopted a structured approach of continuous improvement and auditing, while carrying out its business activities, guided by the following values;

  • To prevent accidents to all employees and sub contractors and damage to property.
  • To carry out risk assessments and safe systems of work and provide information, training and supervision, as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of our employees and others.
  • To encourage all employees to take an interest in health and safety regarding both themselves and those around them.
  • To ensure the correct equipment and resources are available at all times to carry out the business activities safely.
  • To maintain and review this policy with relation to relevant legislation and industry developments.

2024 Health & Safety Policy Statement PDF

If you are a contractor or sub contractor carrying out any work for Haldane Fisher, please click on the link below to download a copy of our Health & Safety Code of Practice and retain for your records.

Health & Safety Code of Practice for Contractors and Sub-Contractors PDF

Environmental Policy

Haldane Fisher is committed to a cleaner, healthier environment. Our objective to conduct our activities in an environmentally responsible manner is set out in this Policy. Our policy objectives will be driven by the environmental objectives of prevention, reduction, re-use and re-cycle. Resources will be allocated by the management team to ensure all objectives are met, and that of a culture of continual improvement exists throughout the company.

  1. Environmental Protection: To comply with National and EU legislation and IPC & COSHH license conditions.
  2. Environmental Management: (a) to commit the resources necessary to maintain an Environmental Management System (b) Consideration of environmental concerns will form an integral part of all development and planning.
  3. Energy: Haldane Fisher will endeavor to optimise energy efficiency and conservation in all its operations.
  4. Environmental Risks: To take appropriate precautions to minimise and control emissions to land and or air by utilising safe technologies and operating procedures.
  5. Waste Disposal:  To minimize the production of waste, and to dispose of any waste safely, in a responsible manner.
  6. Continual Improvement: The policy provides a framework for setting and reviewing environmental objectives and targets. Haldane Fisher is committed to the policy of continual improvement of environmental performance and best environmental practice as far as is economically achievable.
  7. Communication: This policy will be communicated to all employees and suppliers, displayed in public locations across all our sites, and be made publicly available through our website, www.haldane-fisher.com.
  8. Awareness & Training: Haldane Fisher will promote environmental awareness among its employees through appropriate training and maintain close links with relevant regulatory agencies and environmental organisations and interested parties.

Implementation: To implement and practice integrated pollution control this policy will be supported by ISO and Health and Safety procedures. Our policy also embraces our relations with the local council and neighbours, with whom we will engage to promote and improve better environmental performance.


Signed PDF of our Environmental Policy.

Certificate of Environmental Management.

Silver Award in the NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey 2022.